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'Til Death Do Us Part: How to Leave A Legacy, Not a Burden

"But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, 
except death and taxes."- Benjamin Franklin

Talk about death, and your family and relatives would either shun from the topic, or suspect you for having an ulterior motive. Planning for "life after death"may seem like a scene in the heavens, but on the practical side of things, especially if you are to leave this world with a family, don't you think it's rather appalling that our loved ones will be left with matters unsettled?

With unmanaged obligations and decisions hanging,  it'll be quite ironic to actually be told in the future that you can "rest in peace."

You may say that the Philippines is still apprehensive on the thought of estate planning, whether they be personal or real estate properties in nature. The thing is, whether you are from the old-rich sector with a vast investment portfolio, or a simple couple who's worked hard to invest on a house and lot, our government treats us fairly - everyone lives, and dies, paying taxes. Almost all of us own something, or will have some sort of asset in the future, so we should believe that estate planning is in fact, leaving a legacy rather than a burden.

In this seminar, participants will walk-through the process of settling for estate tax settlement, and filing and processing for deed of donation. Using a workshop-type of training, the students will learn to fill up forms, perform their own computation estimates, and be taught with strategies based on different property scenario.  

Our speaker and PRC-accredited lecturer is Mrs. Sonia Santos, General Manager of Blue Stone Realty, a documentation and registration firm based in Marikina City. She has been in the real estate field for more than 30 years, and is the go-to woman of clients with the most complicated real property documentation problems. 

As an expert in estate tax settlement, she has mastered the tricks of the trade when it comes to handling even the hardest cases, like unsettled estate tax for decades, cases with legitimate and ilegitimate heirs, and many more. She will also share her experiences on the different cases she handled, most of which her presence was particularly important in the meeting of the minds of the once-fighting family members. 

Finally, learn on tax avoidance techniques through estate planning like donation, which is a process that is unpopular yet very powerful. 

To reserve, contact Tricia at 9417929/09174996544, or email us at

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