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CPD: Traditional vs. Internet Sales and Marketing

In the world of sales, we always get a dispute which marketing does it better? With the numerous launching of real estate listing apps and presentations, is the now uninterrupted technology development have gone totally efficiently far ahead than simple yet clever traditional sales activities?

Join us in a 2-day continuing professional development, as we site which marketing you should keep in your book of sales strategies to effectively put your listing on top!


Janette Toral has been promoting the growth of e-commerce in the Philippines since 1997 when she founded the Philippine Internet Commerce Society. She is the owner of and currently serves her community in the DigitalFilipino Club and the public through training and consulting in the area of e-commerce, digital marketing and blog campaign.

So don't miss to learn from the woman who largely influenced the creation of policies in consumer protection, data privacy and electronic payment in government through the passage of Y2k Law and E-Commerce Law in the country.
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