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This Christmas, It's Time to Give, Hope and Love

It has been a month since our kababayans from Leyte, Samar and other affected regions in the Visayas, were faced with the wrath of super typhoonYolanda. The destruction it brought out silenced us all - from homes washed away, to livelihood lost, and ultimately, to thousands of lives perished in mere seconds. 

Our country has not completely recovered from the recent catastrophe from the recent catastrophe Cebu and Bohol, and we were challenged by yet another national disaster. 

Inspite of all the overwhelming devastation that fractured our fellowmen, we chose to prove that the Filipino spirit is STRONGER than any earthquake or typhoon. 

As always, CESSON Group of companies spearheaded in the collection of donations (in kind or cash) from its partners, but little did we know that we had a bigger role along the way. And we wanted to share the experience with you.

We were told that our friends from investment firm GL Advisor have been entrusted with a generous amount of donation from their clients, and that they are immediately planning a trip to the unreached towns in Samar and Leyte. Food, hygiene packs, clothes and slippers were the most needed. Quickly, we offered our donations AND manpower capability, and shortly after, we were making our weekend count by packing and organizing 800 sets of relief goods. 

Word came out of this huge effort that another group of friends volunteered to answer 800 sets of hygiene kits to pair with our relief bags. 

The photos will tell you the remarkable weekend that had been. To see it in photos is inspiring, to be part of it is moving. 

Collating all efforts made, a total of 2,400 relief and hygiene bags were given straight to the hands of our kababayans in Samar and Leyte. The team was also able to bring medicines, clothes, blankets, and 600 pairs of children's and adult's slippers. 

Time and again, we have witnessed how, in the toughest circumstances, the desire to help and give can conquer anything. We couldn't help but take reference to a principle of value: PLOTTAGE - how several groups with their respective ways of helping made the decision to do a collaborative effort, in order to accomplish a greater, bolder task. 

We called ourselves "a team of teams."

There are too many groups, much more individuals to mention, but you know who you are, and we are GRATEFUL for your tremendous help.

As we cap off this year, we only wish that we carry on in 2014 the humbling experience of helping and sharing, and that our small actions may inspire others to do the same as well. 

and may we all have a wonderful 2014!
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